Here are our 10 most bearish articles on the global economy. It’s not easy picking them in order but for what its worth we’ve tried to list them as the closer to 1 the more bearish. We’re not doing this to mire you in depression. These articles are an important read and not just for the sake of “putting another view out there”, but for highlighting some serious global economic risks spelled out from some very serious thinkers and investors.
10. What is the Condition of U.S. Savings? by Frank Shostak for the Mises Institute
Good technical piece on the real underlying condition of US savings and how government/Fed policies are destroying real wealth-creation potential
9. China Counts Down to the Next Bubble Burst by Andy Xie for
Andy his usual bearish self on China… but hey, its hard to argue with his logic.
8. Farewell America by Wegelin & Co Private Bankers
Serious indictment on the US regulatory structure and long term fundamentals by a long established Swiss bank. Technical read but worth it.
7. Mother of all carry trades faces an inevitable bust by Nouriel Roubini for the Financial Times
Nouriel spots the obvious but the implications are for another big bubble and bust on the way. The question is: Can the US dollar make a comeback this late in the game?
6. The Inorganic Recovery by Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr for the Mises Institute
A solid piece on the fakeness of the current ‘recovery’.
5. Ignorance Is Bliss by Peter Schiff, Euro Pacific Capital
Schiff, predictor of the crash and investor turning politician, spells out the irrational optimism about recovery.
4.5 Which Big Country Will Default First? by Martin Hutchinson of the Prudent Bear
Update: Couldn’t exclude this one. Now we’ve got 11. Looks at which of the world’s six largest economies will default first.
4. A Path To Runaway US Inflation by Ganesh Rathnam for the Mises Institute
Great piece explaining the coming inflation firestorm.
3. Be Prepared for the Worst by Ron Paul for Forbes Magazine
Coming from a US Congressman this one has all the credibility you need and comes with the usual calm, clear-headed views we’ve come to know from Ron Paul.
2. Death of ‘Soul of Capitalism’: Bogle, Faber, Moore by Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch
Very bearish. Like, it’s-the-end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it bearish.
1. The Dark Years are here by Egon von Greyerz, Matterhorn Asset Management
Avoid reading near sharp objects.
So there it is. Our 10 most bearish. Not set in stone.
Happy reading… or not, as the case may be.