How to be more productive in traffic

Forget about learning a foreign language or listening to your second favourite CD while stuck in traffic – the Mises Institute has just made the richest economic, history and philosophical knowledge on the planet available – and it’s all free and very easily downloadable from iTunes. Find it here.

“This is the future of education: straight from great minds to individual users around the world.”
BK Marcus, Mises Daily. 12 Jan 2010.

LvMIiTunesUAvailable media include: lecture series; audio books, essays and articles; and interviews and commentary. Within each of these headings there are hundreds if not thousands of tracks and media files to download and listen to.

Once you get into it you may even be tempted to move further away from work so you have more time to listen to the greatest economists and political philosophers of all time. Give it a bash, and then come back and tell me it wasn’t worth it..

Recommendation: If unfamiliar with Austrian economics, go to the Human Action audio book and listen to what von Mises had to say in the chapter on “Interest, Credit Expansion, and the Trade Cycle.” Relate that to what’s happening today, and bear in mind the book was written in the 1950s.

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