Cameron vs Labour: UK Budget 2010 tirade!

Even though Britain is sliding down the sewer pipe of history, if there’s one thing you have to greatly admire about the place is the occasionally spectacularly entertaining political debate, and nowhere is this more apparent than when party leaders slug it out like snobby schoolboys across the aisle in the House of Commons.

This week it was the turn of Tory leader David Cameron to tear up the turf as he ripped into Messers Brown and Darling in response to a predictably weak, pretzeled and increasingly desperate Labour budget proposal to parliament.

It’s true that David Cameron is no Maggie Thatcher, and the UK may only shift gear to socialism-lite under the modern Tories. But it would appear the electorate should at least give it a whirl after 13 years of a Labour government that has very successfully accelerated the decline of the once mighty Britain into global oblivion.

For all Cameron’s faults, there is no faulting this tirade against the bloated, bulging, bankrupt, bureaucratic leviathan Blair and Brown have bequeathed upon Britain’s hapless next generation.


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