Dear Comrade Hugo

hugo_chavez2Dear Comrade Hugo

Please accept our sincerest gratitude.  At such a critical time in the world’s history we are surely lucky to have a leader of your caliber rise to such prominence.  Indeed, we believe that you are playing a key role in the long fight for freedom, and for this we can only humbly offer our sincerest appreciation.

The people of Venezuela surely cannot know how fortunate they really are to have you guiding the affairs of state and economic planning.  Perhaps, in time…no, with certainty, in time, they will come to realise what a tremendous role you played in ushering in true economic freedom.

You see, although we are from a far flung land on the tip of Africa, we are grateful to you for many things comrade.  We are grateful that you have enacted your socialist agenda with such fervor, for you have taken your price controls and currency controls and capital controls and ownerships controls to every corner of your beautiful country, and in the process you are bringing about yet another wonderful demonstration to the world of the abject failure of such policies.

Indeed sir, it couldn’t have been scripted better, for you have shouted your agenda from the rooftops of international relations, thumbing your nose at the globe’s greedy capitalists, and proclaiming the death of free markets and the triumph of state coercion.  So vocal and belligerent have you been in claiming the superiority of your bankrupt ideas that now, wonderfully, the whole world will be able to see clearly just what a miserable failure your regulated and state-controlled economy will actually amount to.

Comrade Hugo, you are providing lovers of true freedom all over the world with excellent real-life evidence of just how unsuccessful socialist and coercive policies actually are.  Thank you a thousand times over!  Intellectual ammunition of this sort is truly invaluable.

How many dull economic students will now be able to see first hand with documented proof that price controls actually do create gross shortages of the relevant commodities?

How many Fabian socialists in the West sitting in their free market-enabled rocking chairs will become totally and utterly and beautifully disillusioned by their Venezuelan hero?  How many silly Greek rioters will finally be able to see that running an economy in the same way as Venezuela will be the fastest path to economic ruin and utter collapse?

Mr Chavez, you sir, deserve commendation.  Not even the great and mighty Soviets were able to so discredit economic coercion as you are doing.  You have accomplished in 5 years what the Soviet monsters could not in 50.  Thank you!

Thank you for creating plummeting oil output and coffee bean shortages. 

Thank you for putting price controls on basic commodities such as sugar, and maize meal, so that your subjects can learn first hand that free ‘black’ markets meet people’s needs better than any state can.

hugo_chavez1Thank you, comrade Hugo, for nationalising electricity in 2007 so that all the governments’ of the world can learn the valuable lesson that state-run power stations lead to power outages and energy rationing.

Thank you so much for showing us that when oil companies are nationalised production falls and industrial accidents rise!  (Please be sure to pass this information on to your friend Julius Malema, we believe he has been visiting with you lately to pick up some tips)

Thank you for copying Rob Mugabe’s land reform policies.  The decline in your agricultural output reaffirms the clear failure of such policies and can now be added to Zimbabwe’s failure in the ‘economic failures’ section in all good economic textbooks.

Thank you for accelerating the failure of your government and its policies so that all can see that the path to true prosperity lies in individual freedom, small, limited government, private property rights, and peace.  Thank you for so quickly and almost seamlessly destroying the economic myths that surround your megalomaniacal socialist utopian philosophies.

Comrade Hugo, THANK YOU!

Yours most sincerely

Freeman and JGalt

One Response to “Dear Comrade Hugo”

  1. stickman says:

    ha ha… nice work.
    that picture up top is quality. hello comrade mickey!