One guess what the Fed will do next

Mmmmmm…..I wonder what will come next with interest rates at zero?

Can you hear it?  That’s the sound of printers warming up across the Atlantic.  Can anybody say “biggest round of money printing ever seen in history”?

Sub-6.00 USD-ZAR, JSE Alsi 35,000 plus, repo (interest) rate at 4.5%.  Is it possible?  Hell yes!

Close your short-funds, boys and girls!


Egon von Greyerz explains what this means to the citizen who isn’t connected to the central banking cabal, the average man in the street:

Government is Stealing from the People

Very few people understand that money printing is a form of robbing the citizens of their money and their work. Money is supposed to be a medium of exchange for goods and services equalling the value of the good or the service produced.  For example, an individual works extremely hard to earn an annual wage of say $40,000 which he receives in the form of paper money. The government, due to its mismanagement and incompetence simultaneously prints $40,000 in order to cover its deficits. So the government has by pressing a button produced the same amount of money that a man had to work a year for. This is what is currently taking place all over the world and which will accelerate in coming months and years leading to a total destruction of paper money. Paper money has completely lost its function as a medium of exchange or a store of value. This is why gold is gaining and will continue to gain value against perishable paper that is called money.

Ps. Slit your wrists bearish as it is, Egon’s recent article “THERE WILL BE NO DOUBLE DIP….” is worth a read.

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