I’m married to the most incredible person in the world. I love being married. My wife is my best friend, tolerates my rantings on freedom and tyranny, and loves and supports me in a fully devoted way. My life got better after I got married.
Marriage is a unique partnership in this world. When it’s working well the marriage relationship is selfless, serving, caring, and supportive.
I support marriage as a social ‘institution’ and covenantal relationship between people because happily married people are proven to be happier in general, suffer less from stress, live longer, eat better, have better sex, have more sex, have happier children, have more successful children, and generally have higher lifetime incomes. They also get a chance to experience the tremendous trust and security of a lifetime covenantal relationship, which is greatly rewarding.
But the fundamental thing about marriage is that it is a very personal journey and very intimate partnership. No one has the right to deem it ‘legal’ or ‘illegal’. A religious person may claim that God deems certain marriages immoral or, in a sense, ‘illegal’. That’s fine. That is an issue between people and their God, not the state.
That the state believes it can legitimately rule on such matters is a testimony of the tyranny under which we live. Recently California overturned a ban on gay marriage. “Hooray!” said all the bone fide liberal progressives, “This is a victory for freedom!”
No its not, it’s a victory for coercion, and the gay movement should be ashamed that it has aligned with the cause of tyranny instead of the cause of true freedom. By campaigning for ‘equal’ ‘marriage rights’ homosexuals have missed an opportunity to draw a completely new playing field and raise the debate to a much higher level.
Alas, it looks like Brokeback Agenda from where I’m standing. The gay folk are basically admitting that the state is the sole arbiter of who can be considered married and who not.
Marriage is not a state matter, but a personal matter between two consenting adults, or three consenting adults (that’ll be the next gay marriage fight – triangular marriages!), or between people and their God. Why the state thought it needed a hand in all this is rather puzzling, but I guess, not surprising.
All marriage laws can be repealed henceforth. Queer folk would cease being blinded by the biggest red herring in history: that the state must sanction what is legally considered a marriage and then ensure more ‘rights’ for ‘legally married’ couples.
There should be no special privileges for ‘legally’ married people. If their choice of partner is the correct one, they have already won the lottery of life, and will be richly blessed and rewarded because of it.
Sadly the gay parade signs up hook line and sinker to state coercion, ensuring that while they gain some pseudo-freedoms, they are simultaneously losing far more real ones.