Superb documentary made in 2010 by Swedish filmmakers and libertarians Jonah Norberg and Martin Borgs. The film relies heavily on interviews with Euro Pacific’s Peter Schiff, as well as a former US Comptroller General, a former Chief Economist at Freddie Mac, Economic Nobel Laureate Vernon Smith, and others.
This is a brilliant outreach tool to friends (and enemies) who don’t quite get the big picture of what’s going on in the global economy right now. It is an excellent and entertaining exposition of the Austrian Business Cycle Theory for the average Joe Sixpack out there, and should serve as a wake-up call to those who think their local political representative actually has a clue what’s going on in the real world.
Don’t expect the mainstream media to cover this much, but hey, in this day and age, who needs the MSM anyway?
Note: 46 minutes long (full documentary)
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