Thought for the day: You'll be robbed on Thursday

Taking money that is the legitimate property of someone else’s without their consent is theft.

It is a transfer of money from a legitimate owner to another, the thief.

Printing Rands to reduce the market rate of interest dilutes the value of each Rand already in existence.

A loss in value of the Rand means more Rand must now be exchanged to buy the same good compared with before the new Rand was created.

In other words, purchasing power is stolen from legitimate owners of Rands to the creators of new Rand supply.  It is called inflation.

The transfer of wealth is from the legitimate owners of the Rand to the creator of new Rand supply.

The SARB and their network of money junkies will steal from each and every holder of Rands come Thursday when they reduce the repo interest rate to 6% from 6.50%.

There should be a public outcry as all holders of the Rand are about to be thieved, especially if you don’t understand this, and have not yet taken measures to protect yourself.

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