The war that is going nowhere

No, not Afghanistan, drugs.

Excerpts from

Widespread attacks in Reynosa, military base struck in Matamoros

October 20, 2010 8:34 PM

REVNOSA, Mex. — Gunshots and explosions erupted across Reynosa and at a military base in Matamoros on Wednesday, injuring several and causing panic among residents here.

Armed men confronted Mexican army soldiers in at least six Reynosa neighborhoods at dawn Wednesday.

A military convoy confronted vehicles driven by the gunmen, resulting in a clash with high-caliber firearms and grenades that lasted more than an hour.

The clashes caused panic among neighbors in the El Maestro, La Escondida, Quince de Enero and other neighborhoods in the city.

At least two people were injured in a grenade attack at a military base in downtown Matamoros about noon Wednesday, a police official said. Authorities rushed to the scene and sealed off surrounding streets while they investigated the blast.

The grenade attack occurred near an elementary school in downtown Matamoros, causing worried parents to pull their children from classes. Downtown shops closed early for the day, as well. 

Other shootouts erupted Wednesday afternoon across Reynosa.

Shots broke out about 1:20 p.m. on the bypass that cuts across the south side of the city, spreading from the Plaza Periferico to the Villa Florida neighborhood, and later moving into the La Cima and Tecnólogico neighborhoods on the southwest side of the city.

…Three luxury SUVs were spattered by bullets along the Matamoros highway, as well. Reynosa’s general hospital reported the admission of three people from the attack, which authorities did not confirm.

It remains unclear whether the blockades were directed toward a rival drug cartel or Mexican authorities.

…The Matamoros attack Wednesday was the latest employing grenades against Mexican authorities.

On Oct. 2, suspected Zetas drug cartel members tossed a grenade at the Tamaulipas State Police headquarters and a transit police patrol car on the city’s south side.

…And on Sept. 29, armed men lobbed a grenade at Matamoros’ city hall. Shrapnel injured two passersby…

Sources say grenade attacks are commonly associated with the Zetas.

“It’s called ‘heating up the plaza,’” said a Tamaulipas-based source familiar with the situation. “It’s not really an open attack with the intention to kill. It’s more of a terrorist attack aimed at scaring the public and turning them against their opponents and authorities.”

Fun times in Mehico.

Remind me again how people benefit from the war on drugs?

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