This time last year Warmergate was hitting the not-so-mainstream press, while the mainstream-hot-for-climate-change media largely tried as hard as they could to turn a blind eye to a very inconvenient truth. But it nonetheless made a stir…for a little while at least…before the fraudsters brushed it under the carpet, told the world to look the other way, and forged ahead with their great ruse…
Debt: The Mammoth in the room
Was anyone really surprised when Chinese ratings firm Dagong downgraded the US of A?…what, you didn’t hear about that? Mmmm, not surprising, they don’t like to talk about it too much Stateside.
Coercion vs A Little Less Coercion: The political choice set
The Republicans were opposed to Obama’s 2000-page Leviathanic Healthcare Bill, but usually for all the wrong reasons. They let the Dems frame the debate and then squabbled over details. A year ago we highlighted the real problems…
India wants another 200T IMF gold
India, wisely, was buying up many tons of gold…
Will all the Bank losses please stand up
Strauss-Kahn foresees the Irish bailouts a year later!
Vavi’s Stone
1 year on and the calls for a weaker currency are ringing loud and clear…and as ignorantly as ever.
Krugman: No exit
Why the politicians will DEFINITELY keep inflating…with a little rand forecast to boot.
Happiness is… a printing press!
Cosatu ‘economist’ Chris Malikane displaying his awful economic paradigm with aplomb!
Dubai or Du sell? Don’t Ask Fitch…
Why is anyone still listening to the mainstream rating firms?