Think about it...

It’s been another busy week in the crazy global economy.  We all deserve a good relaxing weekend.  Here’s a few questions to ponder as you chill out over these next couple of days.  Hopefully they get you thinking, questioning, searching, and answering.

1. How will printing money help the US economy?

2. If a bank lets you deposit money with it and says you can draw it all out on demand, how is it also able to lend it out at the same time?

3. Why are people who believe gold is real money called Goldbugs but people who believe paper is real money not called Paperbugs?

4. If economists are wrong 95% of the time, why does anyone still pay attention to them?

5. Keynes said that all government needs to do is spend a lot of money on anything and it will create economic growth and prosperity.  Something’s fishy with that view but people struggle to put their finger on it.  Why is Keynes’ theory a fallacy?

6. Does money arise naturally in a market or does government allow the existence of money?

7. How much do you know about economic thought prior to Adam Smith?  Surely there were good economic thinkers before him?  Could he really have been the first major authority on economic principals?

8. How can going to war benefit a country’s economy?

9. Do unions really help raise wages of the working class?

10. Land, labour, and capital equipment are considered factors of production.  Is money a factor of production?

11. Which is needed more to achieve lasting economic growth: saving or consumer spending?

12. People say gold is worthless and can never be money because it has no practical use to mankind.  What practical use does paper money have?

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