Quality and Quantity: A powerful currency prediction framework
All the rand pundits keep getting it wrong because they stray from basic fundamental currency analysis. Ok, so our view of a probable break below R6.00/$ was a little too bold, but we got the break below R7.00/$ spot on at a time when the “experts” were saying the rand/dollar will end the year at R9.50.
Pincer attack on Capitol Hill!
This time last year The Ben Bernank came under attack from both sides of the political spectrum. The heat remains on the Fed Chairman, however it is not really Bernanke who’s at fault per se, but the entire central banking system!
Gold’s three M’s
3 key reasons why the gold price will keep rising. We thought so a year ago, and we think the same now…A Bubble?…we think not.
A better measure of CPI inflation
Some data are just plain giveaways at the true nature of price inflation… plus a follow-up post.
Showdown: Gold v Stocks!
Why trying to “prove” stocks are better than gold is a) erroneous and b) downright misleading. You have to compare apples with apples, and if equities are apples then gold is chocolate sauce…
Tribute to Frank Shostak: A Great South African Thinker
…we also paid tribute to Frank Shostak.
What if?
This time last year we had a big cynical bee in our anti-AGW bonnet…
Carbon credits: The next fiat currency experiment
Why carbon credit trading is doomed to be a colossal failure…