Wikileaks is exposing the underbelly of the coercive state.
Expect governments to not sleep until Wikileaks is smashed.
It’ll be the start of multiple suppressions of internet freedom in the name of “national security”.
These are the last desperate death gasps of the total state.
States on their last legs turn to the central bank to stay alive. Sad but true.
That’s why the Fed will keep the taps running. Yes, it is the same as Zimbabwe. QE to infinity is a certainty.
Goodbye US dollar…
Mises said it all ends in a Crack Up Boom. Read about it, it’s not pretty.
Money around the world is dying and South African pundits are urging the reserve bank to follow the lemmings off the cliff and depreciate the rand.
Sanity still flying out the window. Stats still manipulated by governments to MOPEfy the people.
US consumer credit jumped 0.1% in October…on a seasonally adjusted basis.
Opinionistas hailed the number as showing life coming back to consumer markets.
Not really. The unseasonally adjusted number was unchanged – i.e. flat.
Stripping out government lending to consumers credit actually would have fallen by over R30bn.
The private lenders still won’t lend a cent more and why should they?
So in the major economies’ governments remain the lenders of last resort, the spenders of last resort, and the bailouters of last resort.
Same in Europe. The ECB is the new Fed. Printing it up when the going gets tough.
It all means the Zimbabwefication of stock prices, oil prices, food prices, and ALL prices.
…and especially gold prices.
Yet, the investomuppets still don’t get gold and still think its for fools.
Makes us even more bullish on our favourite metal.
Have a good weekend…