I just can’t wait to pay over R10 for a litre of petrol again.
Seriously you politicians at the reserve bank, go wild with our money, weaken the rand more, I’m so excited to pay R20 per litre someday soon.
For now we’ll just have to settle for an extra 30 cents or so in March as well. At this rate we’ll be above R10 by June.
If it is the unrest in Egypt that is driving oil prices higher, why is cotton up 30% since Jan 14, copper up 8% since Jan 25 and oil only up 7% since Jan 25.
Oh yes, it’s the flooding in Australia and the blizzards in the US, not all the money printing going on.
Go ahead, IPCC, just tax us more to control the weather.
Good luck with that – controlling the weather.
And another thing, copper just hit an all-time high of $10,024 per tonne.
Get ready for cable and copper theft to begin skyrocketing again.
Another estate agent is being investigated for misuse of trust monies by the Estate Agency Affairs Board.
Have these guys been drawing on trust accounts and deposits in tough times waiting for a rebound in real estate that would fill the coffers again?
There’s another Ponzi for you, if that’s the case.
Yet no-one seems to care that the slips they carry in their wallet and call money, is backed by the biggest Ponzi scheme in the history of the world.
Ben Bernanke admitted it last night, the second person from Obamastration to tell the truth about it.
Things are going to get messy when that is exposed.
Bernie Madoff will smile again, when that day comes.
Health Minister Motsoaledi said today private health care prices are “disgusting.”
Not as disgusting as public health care service though, is it?
Let’s not mention those public health care strikes that left many dead and others unattended last year, either.
Wait until politicians get their way and we are only allowed to use green energy and not nuclear or carbon-based fuels.
Those will be “disgusting” prices to a factor of 50.
US internet ‘kill’ switch legislation has been approved by a US Senate panel following the use of social media in Egypt during the revolution
Great for satellite phone and satellite internet modem manufacturers and marketers.
Go Egyptians!
Now there’s a place to move to if they manage to usher in an era of true liberty and freedom.