Thoughts on the new toll tax

Come, sheeple, it's time for a milking...

Come, sheeple, it's time for a milking...

The e-tag device will get you a discount of about 50% to use the roads

The e-tag will be ‘free’, as the money you pay will be credited to your toll fund

The state will encourage the use of e-tags to reduce admin costs and improve revenue collection

They will also prefer e-tags as they can track you better

It’s worth paying the full price just so the state can’t track your vehicle

Although, under the RICA act, they can tap your phone if they want to

Is there anything we still get in return for our tax monies?

Vehicle and license registration, fuel levies, carbon tax, existing tolls, new tolls

Yet the roads remain in a state of disrepair and immense congestion

As we said way back, have they planned for the coming increased congestion and wear and tear to the internal road network?

Don’t doubt for a minute that a similar tolling system will come to the internal road network in the future

It will

Why are there incentives to use the road more, through discounts for frequent highway travellers?

Was one of the arguments for the new tolling system not it would help reduce congestion?

Does the carbon tax not intend to somehow reduce carbon emissions?

That’s a crazy tax that was passed right there, can’t believe the people let that one slip through

There should be equal treatment for all users of the road, no discounts

Split the cost evenly among everyone, each user and each trip has the same wear and tear

Why should non-frequent highway travellers subsidise those who use the roads frequently?

This is a clever political strategy to reduce the public outcry from particularly those who use the highways a lot, and shift the burden of the costs to those who use them less frequently

Those who use the highways less frequently are less perturbed about the new tax, the risks to a more significant public outcry to the programme come from frequent travellers

Our kids and kids-kids will think these taxes are simply normal not asking any questions about it

This is not inflationary, as some will have you believe

It is just a new tax, it is a redistribution of income

A private company will run the tolls and the collection of the toll taxes, as far as I understand it

Mussolini called the merger of state and corporate powers “fascism”

He knew what he was talking about

The new highway tolling system is fascism, come to South Africa

With the efficacy of the private sector, the state will now collect these taxes from the people

With the efficacy of the private sector, the state will be able to push these taxes higher and force us to pay the higher tax

Will a private police service or the state’s JMPD or SAPS enforce payment?

Who else in the private sector gets this type of outsourced debt and payment collection luxury, if it is state police that will enforce payment?

There is no scope for competition, this is a state-created monopoly of the Gauteng highway network

No-one will have an alternative highway to use if they choose to opt out of this system

Will someone please point that out to the competition commission?

One Response to “Thoughts on the new toll tax”

  1. Emmanuel says:

    There is another forthcoming tax that South Africans let go without a real challenge – I forgot the name for it, but it is some national hospital plan. I am currently paying for my private medical plan, why should I be coerced into contributing to this ridiculous state plan which will not be run efficiently.