Funny that, when Piers Corbyn again correctly predicts the simultaneous superstorms in the US and Australia three weeks ahead of the event, calling the exact day they’d occur.
Were there any such correct predictions from the warm-mongers, warning the people of Queensland to prepare and clear out in time?
The Al Gore’s of the world arrived after the fact, blaming these extreme events on global warming or climate change. If I’m wrong please show me some forecasts.
If the warmists understand the climate system so well, why not apply the knowledge in the real world to add value that free are people are willing to pay for, instead of living off people’s incomes like tapeworms by getting state funding?
As we said before:
“And so here’s our gripe. Progressive sciences may in many instances deal with as much confidence or uncertainty as prescriptive sciences. The difference is that progressive sciences turn ideas and theoretical propositions into profits, and over time there is no arguing with sustained profitability of ideas. Entrepreneurs sum up their confidence interval, risk their own capital, and take their idea to market where it must sink or swim.
Prescriptive sciences on the other hand turn ideas into regulation, and regulation as it turns out requires only the will of politicians to enforce it, a will easily found once politicians realise the proposed regulation requires more government intervention. Prescriptive sciences therefore can operate at far lower levels of confidence, and get away with it because their chief sphere of survival is not in the market place, where standards for truth are incredibly high, but in the political arena, where back-scratching, lobbying, and any other means of convincing the people in power are the main currencies of persuasion and longevity.”