It’s happening whether you like it or not

A province of Malaysia has gone gold,  South africa already accepts Krugerrands as legal tender, while a number of other countries recognise various gold coins as legal tender media, and now the state of Utah has voted to make gold and silver coins legal tender for the settlement of debt within the state.  This is likely to get the Feds nicely peeved, and no doubt the spin-propaganda mongers will start telling us what stump-toothed knuckle-dragging rednecks the folk from Utah are adopting such a ‘barbarous relic’ as money.

Of course gold does not NEED legal tender laws to survive as money, but the mere recognition by state governments that they need to protect themselves against paper currency debauchery is a clear sign that the unstoppable tide toward the full usage of metals as money is well and truly under way.

You can’t stop it.  You can’t deny it.  It’s happening whether you like it or not.


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