Welcome to the MOPE Dictionary! (see link on right margin) What is MOPE? Management Of Perceptions Economics. Governments use MOPE. Central banks use MOPE. The banksters use MOPE. Unions use MOPE. Everyone wanting an unfair piece of the economic pie uses MOPE. MOPE is lies, MOPE is bending definitions, MOPE is sanitising the truth, MOPE is euphemisms, MOPE is economic fallacy dressed up in fancy clothes.
MOPE is misleading and it is dangerous to the uninitiated, which is why we have decided to demystify all the garbage out there by producing The MOPE Dictionary. This will help you sift through the trash next time you listen to that speech by a politician or a central banker, or the next time you read The Economist or a Goldman Sachs research report.
This is a work in progress. Submissions welcome in the comments section! Enjoy
Accommodative Monetary Policy – See Monetary Stimulus
Affirmative Action – Institutionalised racism
Aggregate Demand – Borrowed and Printed short term spending injections that leave everyone worse off eventually
Animal Spirits – Rational human behaviour in response to false monetary signals driven by excess liquidity created fraudulently by the central bank
Austerity (Government) – See Fiscal Austerity
Bailout – (1)Protecting the jobs of unionised employees. (2)A golden handshake for failure. (3)Daylight robbery
Black Market – Thriving free market of willing buyers and sellers operating despite the state’s best efforts to shut it down.
‘Buy Local’ Incentives – Mercantilist trade protectionism; protecting local business at the expense of local consumers
Cartel – (1)A virtue in banking and governmental power. (2)A vice for everyone else.
Central Bank – A legally protected monopoly in money printing and designated protector of the commercial banking cartel
Competition Commission – State Agency for Alternative Methods of Revenue Collection
Consumer Price Inflation – A rate of general price increase far below the actual rise in the cost of living and periodically adjusted by governments to show lower inflation than actually being experienced
Consumer Protection – Price hikes and limiting product choice
Countercyclical Fiscal Policy – Pretend everything’s OK by borrowing from future GDP to plug holes in present GDP
Credit Rating – Meaningless credit scores given to effectively bankrupt countries to dupe gullible investors into lending more money to them
Debt Ceiling – Number that makes dumb American’s think their government intends to stop spending their future away
Deepen Financial Market Liquidity – See Monetary Stimulus
Depression – An intense version of a recession. See Recession
Econometrics – (1)Using erroneous mathematical relationships to infer economic truth. (2)Permenantly incorrect forecasting.
Economic Sanctions – A way of using heady foreign policy pretexts as a means for increasing government control over the economy
Economies of Scale – (1)An argument used by the state to legislate forced monopolies. (2)An argument used by the state to force large successful firms to pay windfall taxes, levies, and to justify subsidising smaller unsucessful firms.
Election – A shuffle of political positions between political elites
Entrepreneur – The primary funder of government.
Environmental Economics – A term used for the art of inventing ecological problems and then persuading government to pay you money to solve them.
Exchange Controls – (1)Another way for the state to tax and control the movement of money. (2)A means of artificially protecting one’s currency from free competition.
Externality – (1)Failure to apportion property rights correctly. (2)An environmental economist’s favourite term.
Fair Trade – (1)Forcing poor Ethiopian coffee makers to sell their product at prices above the market clearing price, generating over-investment in supply relative to demand, and leading to gluts, unsold stock, waste and ultimately renewed joblessness among farmers. (2) Form of trade that appeases the consciences of wealthy Western liberals.
Federal Open Market Committee – Selected puppets of the world’s big bankers
Financial Regulation - Getting money as efficiently as possible from Wall St to Washington
Fiscal Austerity – When the state ruins the country at a slower rate
Fiscal Stimulus – Get into more debt to fix the debt problem
Food shortage – Far too much printed money chasing after more than enough food, making it unaffordable for the poorest
Fractional Reserve Banking – Custodial fraud and embezzlement
Free Trade – Free trade for goods and services where WE have a competitive advantage
Global Warming – Temperatures getting really really hot…and really really cold
Global Warming Movement – Generally confused fraternity who cannot predict climate
Government – Entity that appropriates the monopoly of coercive force to achieve desired ends of resource allocation and control
Government Debt – A few people borrowing from a lot of people, promising to pay them back by: (1) taxing them more, (2) printing money and debasing its value, and (3) going into more debt (see Rolling Debt Over)
Homo Economicus – Completely erroneous and false construct of ‘rational’ behaviour conjured up by stoned ivory tower professors
Imperfect Competition - Real life
Indifference Curve – A theoretical nullity about subjective consumer preferences
Indirect Taxation – A way of taxation the state imposes to try dupe people into thinking they’re not being taxed
Inflation Targeting – Targeting a rate of wealth destruction through money and credit creation
Insider Trading – A perfectly legitimate and efficient transaction between a willing buyer and willing seller called illegal by the state when done in the private sector, but mostly ignored when done by state officials for state contracts with taxpayer funds.
Intellectual Monopoly – See Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property – a.k.a Intellectual Monopoly: An arbitrary state-granted and protected monopoly on ideas and inventions excluding free market competition, raising product prices and retarding technological progress.
J-Curve – Erroneous short term explanation used to ‘prove’ that a weaker currency creates trade surpluses.
Keynesianism – Convoluted restatement of old get-rich-quick fallacies
Kleptocracy – A key pillar of government
Laffer Curve – Graphical justification for minor tyranny as opposed to major tyranny
Lender of Last Resort – See Monetary Stimulus
Leverage – Debt
Liquidity Trap – A broken banking system
Monetary Policy Committee – See Federal Open Market Committee
Monetary Stimulus – Print money because there are no other options other than economic depression and banking system failure
Oil shortage – See Food Shortage
Open Market Operations – Centralised manipulation of asset prices and money markets
Output Gap – The difference between what governments wish they could tax from the productive sector and what they can actually tax
Overheating Economy – An economy experiencing rapid and completely unsustainable growth due to excessive money and credit creation driven by the central bank.
Phillips Curve - False proof: that higher inflation creates jobs. Actual proof: that boom-bust cycles lead to false job creation and then inevitable unemployment
Politics – The coercive allocation of resources for biased ends
Pre-emptive war – pick a fight
Progressive Tax – Tax the rich proportionately more than the poor because there’s less of them so they can’t vote you out
Public Works Projects – Huge government spending waste-a-thons providing temporary work to build something the country doesn’t need for double what it should cost
Quantitative Easing – See Monetary Stimulus
(The) Quantity Theory of Money – Irving Fisher’s erroneous theory of money and inflation based on a mathematical identity MV=PT, offering a great example of the errors created by the mathematical method in economics. Read more
Recession – Political opportunity to grow the size of government
Reflation – See Monetary Stimulus
Regressive Tax – Democratic suicide
Regulatory Arbitrage – When investors take their money out of tyrannical and coercive jurisdictions and into less tyrannical and coercive jurisdictions
Regulatory Failure – The modus operandi of the state
Reserve Currency – Fraudulent paper backed by fraudulent debt paper backed by broke people
Risk-Free Rate – the rate of return on a AAA-rated government bond, i.e. a high-risk rate
Rolling debt over – A Ponzi Scheme
Separation of Powers – (1)Mutual respect among the various organs of state of each of their jurisdictions of tyranny and graft; (2) Oligopolistic political power
Speculative Activity – See Animal Spirits
State of the Nation Speech – See State of the Union Speech
State of the Union Speech – An annual speech given by a president with the express purpose of saying as little of substance as possible in 1 hour.
Systemic Risk – Chief scapegoat for more monetary and fiscal stimulus and taxpayer funded bailouts
Trademark – The use of large balance sheets by large companies to spend large sums of money on expensive lawyers to persuade judges to grant unfair monopoly priviledge on non-scarce, unoriginal ideas backed up by state cronyist laws.
Tragedy of the Commons – The denial of private property rights to free people used by the state to justify taking over more resources from the private sector.
Treasury Bonds – Pieces of paper legally consigning your children to slavery
Underground Economy – See Black Market
Unemployment – (1) For the incumbant party: People out of work who we feel like counting; (2) For opposition parties: People out of work who’ll vote for you if you promise them jobs
Unfunded Liabilities – Massive debt hole that will never be filled
University - (1)Place of indoctrination and destruction of common sense. (2)Black hole for rich people’s money. (3) An overpriced party.
Velocity of Circulation – See The Quantity Theory of Money
Windfall Tax – State jealousy of the private sector