Well this is optimistic for libertarians, and a sign that the revolution is slowly spreading into developed Western economies, something we have long anticipated. This type of public unrest will only become more widespread as the western world economy sinks even deeper into depression, and as people realise the peak of their living standards were passed somewhere in the early naughties.
Hundreds of Britons yesterday stormed a Birkenhead courtroom to make a citizens’ arrest of a judge who they believe is breaking the law. The judge was challenged by a certain Mr Hayes and asked whether “[Judge Peake] was serving under his oath of office…I asked three times for him to confirm this and he refused, so I civilly arrested the judge and I called upon some people in the court to assist me in this.”
According to the Daily Mail Reporter, the British Constitution Group’s main aim is now a rallying call for ‘lawful rebellion.’ Leaflets handed out by the crowd said: “We, the British People have a right to govern ourselves.”
“That right has been subjugated as a consequence of acts of treason having been committed by the collective political establishment, aided and abetted by corrupt segments of the judiciary, the police, the Church and the civil service.”
Raymond Saintclair , who organised the Birkenhead protest said: “Today was day one. This is going to happen again and again and again. We have sent a message to this court as one nation and one voice until change comes.”