IPAP2, aka Industrial Policy Action Plan #2 was recently published.  It should be known as IPOOP. It is a horrifying document. And so from one failed policy to the next, government moves without creating even the slightest stir, all the while stealing from and blowing taxpayer money with meaningless and wasteful nonsense such as this. GEAR, Asgisa, IPAP, IPAP2, New Growth Path… And here’s also a prediction worth making, that IPOOP3 will be released and implemented even before the end of IPOOP2 by 2013/14.  With the public being so apathetic to the government’s string of failed policies, destroying the wealth built up over generations in this society at every step of the way, hyperinflation and total public sector collapse is guaranteed.

Place IPOOP here.

Place IPOOP here.


And if you’re not sick yet, see the 9month strategic roll-out plan for IPOOP.

IPAP 9month Overview

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