Politicians are just so predictable. As we argued before:
All that governments have achieved by tightening aircraft security is to shift the threat from the aircraft to the terminal. Next, security checkpoints would need to be added at the entrance to the terminal, followed by checkpoints in the parking lot, and then checkpoints on the roads.
…This last point cannot be overstated. Plane access security quickly becomes terminal access security quickly becomes parking lot access security quickly becomes precinct access security quickly becomes town access security quickly becomes county access security, and before you know it you’ve arrived at the total security-police state as micro security expands ever-upward and converges with the ever expanding Federal security agency. The slippery starts slope to total state control is well under way in America and many other parts of the Western world, which in effect means we are moving ever-closer to systemic failure and collapse. It’s happening.
Well, a US “counter terrorism expert” is out suggesting that the US government may start to screen the public at other pedestrian hot spots, such as shopping malls, hotels, and sport stadiums. Note the establishment calls these places “soft spots,” as if these areas are somehow fundamentally more vulnerable to terrorist attack than an aiport, which is no different to a bus stop.
Now that chief terrorist number one, Osama, is gone (well, so they say, yet with no proof!) don’t think the Patriot Act will be repealed or you be allowed to take liquids on board aircrafts. Governments never waste an opportunity to increase its interventionist and thieving ways. Don’t you see, the ‘death’ of Osama doesn’t mean less terrorism, it means more terrorism because they will want revenge!
This is the march to a totalitarian state right before your eyes. It should not surprise anyone.