ANC to compete with Adcock Ingram and Aspen?

Gwede Mantashe says the goverment has decided that it will create a state pharmaceutical company. “Serious discussions started at the lekgotla on starting a state pharmaceutical company,” he told reporters at Luthuli House.

Sorting out Eskom, the billing crisis, and service delivery – to mention a few – clearly isn’t enough of a challenge.  These interfering busy bodies want to lower the standard of living of the general public below the ground.

Once they realise they can’t compete with the Adcock Ingrams’ and Aspen Pharmaceuticals of this world, they will place more hurdles for existing producer/suppliers to jump over, raising their cost of doing business.  This will result in higher prices for the general public.  Higher taxes to fund the state pharma company is also on the way.  Drug shortages will also become common place depending on how tight drug laws become to favour the state pharma company.

These guys are going to break everything.

3 Responses to “ANC to compete with Adcock Ingram and Aspen?”

  1. Hard Rain says:

    Wow, and here I thought contemporary socialists had shied away from the state owning the means of production. “This time it’s different”, I suppose.

  2. grvdigga says:

    Was having coffee with my mates – about 10 of us this morning at Mugg & Bean. I raised this issue and they all though it was a wonderful idea.

    Its dawning upon me that 99.9999% of people fully endorse anything the government does and cant even begin to contemplate a future where they have to think for themselves. These are intelligent, successful people and I suppose as long as the status quo exists they will prosper and be happy.

    As long as the status quo is in place I will continue to look and sound like a bit of nut. If it all goes to hell and economies and governments collapse I should be able to come out fine as I have prepped in spades and continue to do so.

    The question I have for you is, do I just shut up from now on or do I continue to risk being excluded as people see me as a conspiracy theorist and outlier ?

    Additionally, if things were to get pear shaped, do I now rush to the aid of all those who discredited me, or do I just ignore them for being fools ?

    Serious questions to which I hope someone has an answer.

  3. Hard Rain says:

    “The question I have for you is, do I just shut up from now on or do I continue to risk being excluded as people see me as a conspiracy theorist and outlier?”

    I warn people that I never stop arguing so if they spout something questionable regarding politics or economics I will call them out on it. I leave whether to continue debate up to them.

    People will form their own opinions of you no matter what you do.

    “Additionally, if things were to get pear shaped, do I now rush to the aid of all those who discredited me, or do I just ignore them for being fools ?”

    Never underestimate the value of a favour or the value of forgiveness.