Video of the week: CNBC on gold standard

Good on CNBC and especially, Steven Liesman, for actually trying to understand the pro gold standard argument. read more…

Why FNB offers ebucks on card transactions

It’s simple: the more banks can get you NOT to use physical note and coin, the greater ability they have to inflate the money supply. read more…

Buffett knows his investment will be safe with a printing press

The old legend as cronyfied as the rest of ‘em. read more…

No, Mr Jordaan, you are missing OUR point

Despite promising to ‘deliver’ Rands to depositors, FNB can’t make good on all its Rand deposits. Why should it be any different with read more…

SARB: Lost, confident and toying around

Our monetary mandarins had a good time celebrating the SARB’s 90 year birthday recently. What is there to be celebrated? The control over the printing press, of course! May the market take that power away in the next 90. read more…

Greeks turning in EUR for gold

And the Chinese are doing the same with their currency. read more…

Fed propaganda from the 1920’s

The more things change the more they stay the same. read more…

'Bout time

One has to ask: why the heck did it take so long? read more…