Reads one heading in the Freedom Charter. If the ANC had taken the reigns in 1955, there wouldn’t be much industry or wealth in SA today. read more…
Reads one heading in the Freedom Charter. If the ANC had taken the reigns in 1955, there wouldn’t be much industry or wealth in SA today. read more… Real brick and mortar resources have now been wasted on meeting a demand that never really existed, that was only created by government interference. read more… This really was an easy prediction to make. Nation-wide LPG gas shortages are officially here, and government is hell-bent on making it worse. read more… Or you will get banned from buying their products. And rightfully so if you are this difficult a customer. read more… By ignoring the past and listening to Keynes and his disciples, irresponsible governments have jeopardised our future. read more… Aussie govt spends A$3 mln to sell a carbon tax, and an Aussie researcher is in Joburg fear-mongering that we’re gonna die from golf in half a decade’s time. read more… Says FNB. More interest rate cuts are coming, because the Reserve Bank needs it. read more… Dr Paul makes Greenspan and Bernanke look like economuppets, which they are. . read more… From a French woman living in Libya. read more… Forget the diet dictocrats, this is the book for the person who wants to take responsibility for his or her health. read more… The ratings agencies are such a farce, S&P just proves it once again. read more… Spot the financial media’s MOPE in today’s SACCI Business Confidence Index release. read more… |
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