Libyan rebels links with AlQaeda

They will be too happy to take Gaddafi’s weapons and turn it against the US and its allies once Gaddafi is out. read more…

Check out the 250,000 strong pro-slavery march in London!

When bad ideas happen to good people. read more…

In the news: Where's the US intervention in Bahrain?

Hypocrisy reaches epic proportions as the west is just about to declare war on Libya, while the Bahraini shoots down peaceful read more…


How to trademark your way out of a brown paper bag. read more…

Public still not involved in gold bull market

But FNB is doing its bit to get the public involved that will shift demand for gold to another level. read more…

Piers Corbyn on cause of Japanese earthquake

Look to the supermoon, a X-class solar flare, and a coronal mass ejection on the sun. read more…

Rand Paul drops the gloves on a bureaucrat

Who wants to take away the people’s freedom of choice. read more…

Video of the week: Property rights

A bite-size 3min professional quality video clip explaining property rights in the libertarian philosophy. read more…

Fox News, Goebbels would be truly proud

If you didn’t believe media distorted the truth to favour the establishment, watch this 6min video of how Fox news literally falsified the crowd reaction after Ron Paul’s win at CPAC. The US government is collapsing, folks. read more…

Britain squabbles over basis points

Here a cut, there a cut, everywhere a cut cut. read more…

In the headlines: Government and the case of shrinking cars

The amount vehicles shrink will accrue to government in the form of taxes. read more…

Calling all eloquent freedom-lovers

Become a regular blog contributor on Human Action. read more…