Another tax that’ll take it’s ‘toll’ on the private sector, fascism comes to the Gauteng road network, and more. read more…
Another tax that’ll take it’s ‘toll’ on the private sector, fascism comes to the Gauteng road network, and more. read more… Here is Piers Corbyn’s spot-on prediction made three weeks before the superstorms hit the US and Australia, predicting the exact day they’d start. And no, these events weren’t caused by CO2. read more… A horrific video clip of police brutality in the US. Is this the kind of law enforcement one would come to expect in a ‘free’ nation? This looks worse than SA to me, on a par with Zimbabwe or Egypt. The people are beginning to realise they live in a police state that is only there to protect the big interests(read: government and corporates, aka fascism), not the little people, and it will take an economic crisis in the form of a currency crisis as the catalyst to trigger Ron Paul’s revolution. read more… WikiLeaks an unambiguous force for peace. read more… Gerald Celente hits the nail on the head about the revolutions happening in the Arab world. Hint: it’s just part of a trend that is going truly global. The rate of spread of revolutions and revolts will be perfectly correlated with the rate of depreciation of currencies. . read more… The market place for scientific ideas exacts high standards, which is why some scientists prefer to hide under the wing of the state. read more… Someone please point this out to South African politicians at this week’s lekgotla. read more… It is no coincidence that the Xenophobic outbreaks happened in May 2008 when CPI inflation was breaking above the 10% mark. read more… Trends and events worth following as we head into 2011. read more… First step is to limit foreign ownership, next step will be to limit local private ownership. read more… Once again the state fails to recognise the threat of unintended consequences. read more… Says Dr Ron Paul. read more… |
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