Blatant cronyism comes to digital television broadcasting

Government has gotten so blatantly crony it is quite frightening. This time, it is going to the digital television broadcasting sector. read more…

Coming soon to a chemist near you – medicine shortages

Government won’t allow pharmaceutical price increases for the second year in a row. Shortages, here we come. However, it may also be a clever ploy to jump start plans for a state pharmaceuticals agency. read more…

The debasement of SA’s social fabric

It has to do with the level of time-preference of the people, suggests Steven Pinker. read more…

Provisional Tax is Theft

Taxation is thievery and tyranny, and provisional taxation is one of its most pernicious forms. read more…

Pension industry snuggles up to government

Crony capitalism at its ugliest, layed out for all to see. read more…

Read Business Day for after-the-fact misdiagnosis

It’s time you learnt your ABCTs. read more…

Nationalisation of health care much greater concern than mines

Nationalisation of the mines will ultimately have a much smaller human impact than nationalisation of health care. . read more…

Strong rand here to stay

Greta Steyn is now catching on to our long-standing view. read more…

More rate cuts looking increasingly likely

As the economy hits a perma-wobbly. read more…

Thousands of free market recyclers may be about to lose their jobs

The City of Joburg has some terrible recycling ideas. read more…

Love the smell of freshly printed Juba dollars in the morning

The southern Sudanese didn’t waste any time introducing its main tool of theft. read more…

SARB: Lost, confident and toying around

Our monetary mandarins had a good time celebrating the SARB’s 90 year birthday recently. What is there to be celebrated? The control over the printing press, of course! May the market take that power away in the next 90. read more…