Jobs, jobs, jobs? then denationalise the unemployed

More than 7-million people are being denied entry into the labour market. read more…

Well this was predictable

China is sending a tsunami of price inflation back to its source: America. read more…

This is likely to end well…

How to kick the can shamelessly down the road. read more…

Farewell, middle-class Briton

Your power elites have sold you down the river. read more…


How about a free market for world cups? read more…

The Wizards in Government

If everything in the welfare state is free, why do we need to work? read more…

Minimum Wage’s Discriminatory Effects

The minimum wage has destroyed millions of jobs around the world, and unfortunately – but predictably – the effects of this falls disproportionately on marginal labourers. read more…

Petrol pumps running dry in Russia

As Putin ignores the laws of economics. Please hand him a copy of “Central Planning for Dummies.” read more…

Hail the Flash Crash

Without them, markets would get even more grossly mispriced! read more…

Three More Attacks on Civilization

The destruction wrought by hyper-do-gooders and their government accomplices. read more…

Allow the Entrepreneurs to Grow the Economy

The underappreciated entrepreneurial class. read more…


It belongs in the toilet. It is a document that makes anyone with the slightest grasp of economics feel positively ill. With such public apathy to the government’s thieving and wasteful ways, not to mention failure after failure of economic policy programmes, a public sector collapse and hyperinflation is just about guaranteed. read more…