
Another very casual Ponzi admission goes largely unnoticed. read more…

This is where Lead SA goes wrong

Ownership leads to better use of resources, not feel-good slogans. read more…

Global Revolution Spreads

Gerald Celente hits the nail on the head about the revolutions happening in the Arab world. Hint: it’s just part of a trend that is going truly global. The rate of spread of revolutions and revolts will be perfectly correlated with the rate of depreciation of currencies. . read more…

Exposing the Gini in the lamp

The folly (and danger) of the equality fetish. read more…

Thoughts on Brazil’s latest FX intervention

Hint: it won’t work. Brazil’s foreign exchange intervention has unintended consequences and will not achieve the intended aim, halting the rise of the real. read more…

Weakening the Rand will result in violent outbreaks nationwide

It is no coincidence that the Xenophobic outbreaks happened in May 2008 when CPI inflation was breaking above the 10% mark. read more…

Yip, we run the biggest ponzi in the history of the world says Obama aide

If we can’t borrow to pay off lenders, well, then we’re broke says Chairman of Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers. read more…

Social Engineering and its Consequences

The few will always try to prescribe the way to the many. They must be stopped, but for that to happen the many need to wake up! read more…


The race to the babwe! read more…

A 20 hour work week would be common in the free market

Instead, government leeches off our productivity which keeps us working longer. read more…

Current account-ing is totally arbitrary

And tells us very little about the real economy. read more…

Human Action and Intellectual Property Rights

We all need knowledge to act upon real scarcity with success to achieve our desired goals. Taking patents and copyrights to their logical conclusion means every human action should be preceded by a lawsuit, a fine or license fee to the IP holder, terms and conditions of use, or outright banning and prohibition of the action itself. In short, a miserable, wretched world. read more…