Strong rand here to stay

Greta Steyn is now catching on to our long-standing view. read more…

Did FNB CEO just admit Krugerrand service is a fraud?

Don’t fall for the banksters and their fraudulent tricks, buy the real thing before it’s too late. read more…

Love the smell of freshly printed Juba dollars in the morning

The southern Sudanese didn’t waste any time introducing its main tool of theft. read more…

Must watch interview with Jim Grant

One of the clearest, most eloquent, and ‘fair’ (as he calls it) critics of the Fed, tells us what Ben Bernanke should be saying. read more…

Are the broken clocks shifting their dials?

RMB has (finally) downwardly revised their USD/ZAR forecast to 7.00 for year-end. Wow, that did take a while. read more…

FNB House Price Index drops 9% in 2010

When accounting for the monetary debasement. read more…

Bank economists still just don't get it

And this chart from shows the “don’t get it” margin is huge and growing. read more…

Graph of the day

Priced in real money, equities remain in a decade-long bear market, with a long way to fall still. read more…

One guess what the Fed will do next

Time to close those short-funds, boys and girls. read more…

No Stress Eurodudes

Why is everyone so surprised at the phoniness of the European bank stress test results? This was set up from day one as an exercise in pure, unashamed MOPE. Get with the programme people. read more…

Hey, who needs good credit when the state becomes your banker?

The Dodd-Frank Bill is being passed off as a protection of the poor, helpless public from the nasty, wily foxes on Wall St. Instead it may come to be known as one of the seminal documents that paved the road to serfdom. read more…

China challenges the status quo with its own ratings agency

China challenges the status quo with its own sovereign credit rating agency with ratings methodology which is much more reflective of real underlying sovereign risks facing economies of the world. read more…