As a general rule, don’t listen to bank economists. read more…
As a general rule, don’t listen to bank economists. read more… SA has a major deficiency of capital and skills, evidenced by lingering poverty and low average incomes. More capital accumulation is needed to increase employment and real wealth and devaluing the rand is NOT the way to get there. read more… We find our local market watchers’ sudden change of sentiment from a bearish Rand bias to a bullish Rand bias for 2010 a bit disconcerting, yet find comfort in the fact that our forecasters are still only moderately bullish, with no mention of a sub-6 USDZAR, not to mention a sub-5 USDZAR in 2010. read more… Soft forex purchases in December point to a bullish strategic rand view. read more… South Africa included as a top EM pick in 2010 along with Brazil, Russia and China. read more… If you’re looking at stock markets for a gauge of investor sentiment, you’re looking in the wrong place. The bond markets are where it’s all at right now and sovereign risk is going to be a major theme in 2010. read more… Analysts keep penning op-ed pieces about what a bad buy the gold companies are. You’ve heard it all before. Costs are too high, labour’s too troublesome, the gold’s too deep, the technologies don’t exist, etc etc. The problem is, this is a static view. SA’s horrible supply fundamentals do make the gold companies’ shares look like a fools buy for now. But it is an investors great folly when he only lives in the now. read more… While Human Action is no real fan of Krugman’s work, particularly as he encouraged inflating the US housing bubble in 2002, and as Marc Faber will tell you at the peak of the Nasdaq bubble Krugman told him it would never decline, sometimes he does say sensible things. read more… The New York Times yesterday caught on that the US government has cornered itself in a big way in terms of its debt servicing capacity and ability to stimulate economic growth if needs be. the read more… I thought I’d throw a couple of quick charts into the mix for those folks who have a life and don’t sit in front of reuters and/or bloomberg terminals all read more… In a boom everyone’s clever. Everyone talks about how well their stock portfolios are doing and how they’re just making a killing flipping property, or how much money their private equity team is making or how good their return on investment has been. In these times people often talk at dinner parties about the virtues of taking big risks, leveraging yourself up to the hilt, speculating on this stock or that stock, and just generally getting on the party bus before it leaves town. These parties always end… read more… Bill Gross agrees with us that global interest rates are compressed owing to unsavoury government intervention in these markets. LT government debt hit a climatic high in December 2008 after a 28-year bull run, and nothing governments and central bankers do can or will stop the bear market in treasuries from taking firm root. SA will not be spared the negative read more… |
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