Wimpy-Gold Watch

Wimpy burgers get cheaper in terms of gold. Buy gold and never go hungry! read more…

On the loss of reason in a speculative mania

Logic and reason go awry during the speculative mania phase of a bubble. Which gives you one more reason why gold ain’t in no bubble. read more…

Rand price of gold

Bokkeman, this one’s for you. read more…

One more reason to buy gold coins

Liquidity of gold coins are guaranteed by Act No. 90 of 1989. read more…

Gideon Gono suggests gold-backed currency for Zim

Gold is fast becoming the new reserve currency of the world, again! read more…

Gaddafi, Gold, and Going to War

Would the US be in Iraq if Iraq’s chief export was broccoli? read more…

Desperate times for a declining superpower

Hegemonic collapse, desperation in decline, and a crumbling currency. read more…

Petrol price only rising because paper Rand is falling

A barrel of brent crude oil cost 0.15 ounces of gold in 2004-08, but has fallen to 0.08 ounces today. That’s nearly a 50% price decline in just over two years! read more…

Use Gold as Money

Choose freedom. read more…

Get ready for gold's catch-up to silver

Silver is up 120% from Nov ‘10. If we are correct and gold catches up to silver, the price is going to R20,000/oz in no time. read more…

In response to Coert Coetzee: Gold and property

“Mister Fearless Coert Coetzee” argued that property is more valuable than gold. Being critical here at HA, here’s our response. read more…

The market always finds a way

again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. read more…