Ignorance is bliss…for gold bulls

Another great reason why gold is not a bubble. read more…

Gaddafi transacts in gold, not dollars

The Libyan dictator is a hard money man, choosing to buy gold instead of dollars, and also making the correct call to store his gold himself and not leaving it under the control of Wall Street banksters. read more…

Back to the basics of why gold is the best money

“Above all, gold has value because people want it and because it is scarce. It is that simple,” says Rob Rojas in this brilliant article that takes us back to the basics of why gold is the best kind of money. read more…

FNB selling Krugerrands online

FNB gives clients the option to purchase real money online. But be careful, this type of ownership is fraught with risks. read more…

Gold ATM's will offer more monetary justice

The media remains focussed on the criminal element it may lure, ignores the criminal element it will help extinguish, and again lose their common sense by putting forward some really silly arguments. read more…

Response to The Observenator

Some things need to be straightened out here. read more…

Global monetary system requires the simplicity of gold

And not the mandarins at the Fed, explains Jim Grant. read more…

The Gold Standard Never Dies

The debate isn’t about monetary policy, but political philosophy. Lew Rockwell explains. read more…

QE2 = buy gold now

Just because it says MADE IN AMERICA with a big AAA stamp on it, doesn’t mean its not rotten to the core. read more…

Gold will outlive the dollar

John Hathaway explains why. read more…

Currency war talk is so last year

With the talking heads and politicians only recently catching on what’s going in the global currency markets, gold remains the safest place to store your life savings. read more…

In the markets today: local currency strategist catches a glimpse of why gold glimmers

Slowly but surely, local currency strategists realise gold is the soundest currency of them all. read more…