Chávez está loco. read more…
Chávez está loco. read more… What Zuma should say tonight. read more… It’s almost like it was meant to be… read more… Marc Faber kills it on Bloomberg! Must watch interview. read more… A video made back in April 2006, this still STINGs… read more… How the Ben Bernank and the Goldman Sachs are creating the deflation scare to justify the quantitative easing to ruin the America. read more… The competition commission and competition law in South Africa is a total affront to freedom and a barrier to achieving legitimate returns on investment. Competition law, like labour law, should be scrapped. There is no reason why economic interaction cannot be governed by normal basic criminal law and basic property rights. read more… An open letter to Mr Chavez. read more… All pigs are fat, but some pigs are fatter than others. read more… Is the UK officially bonkers? read more… Tory leader David Cameron tears up the turf as he rips into Messers Brown and Darling in response to a predictably weak, pretzeled and increasingly desperate Labour budget. read more… |
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