Geopolitical update: Russia doesn’t want NATO interference in Syria

Paul Craig Roberts’ analysis may just be spot on. read more…

Obama’s bomb-proof carriage

Is this how a ‘leader’ travels? More like public enemy #1. read more…

Chinese rolling out their alternative to the USD

This is what headlines look like when an alternative fiat reserve currency is being rolled out. read more…

Here's what a real circus looks like

Meanwhile real life goes on outside the halls of absurdity. read more…

What would we do without Moody's?

In the nick of time, Moody’s comes to the rescue and downgrades Portugal!!! read more…

The world in headlines

Olympiflation, the BoJ injection, South Africa’s rising real tax burden, and more. read more…

The world in headlines

The folly of forced currency weakness, Egypt’s fake revolution, Madoff and the banks, and more. read more…

Rapid fire

Shooting from the lip. read more…

10 economic news stories you should be following

Trends and events worth following as we head into 2011. read more…

In the news, Jun 30

As the CompCom now wastes time and money going after bicycle retailers and wholesalers, how about an investigation of the most dangerous monopoly of them all: the SARB? read more…

In the news today, Jun 21

A whole lot of government interventions today, all working together to kill the average man’s standard of living. read more…

In the news today, Jun 17

The Aussies beat Malema to nationalisation; the real estate ponzi continues to grow; and cold weather ’snaps’ global warming in the real world. read more…