Rothbard on American Colonial Money

Gresham’s Law, specie flows, mint ratios, bimetallic standards, Spanish Silver Dollars, and fallacies as old as the hills. read more…

Is the Fed Stressed?

The Ben Bernank and Co. tell the banks to get ready. read more…

FNB selling Krugerrands online

FNB gives clients the option to purchase real money online. But be careful, this type of ownership is fraught with risks. read more…

Answering Krugman

PK, HA and the UK! read more…

A little Keynesian leaven goes a long way

Professor Sumner’s objections to the classical gold standard hit all the right marks for all the wrong reasons. read more…

Here comes screwflation

You will be paying substantially more at the pump and in grocery stores this year, and that will force you to spend less on other items. Yip, you’re getting screwed! read more…

FNB House Price Index drops 9% in 2010

When accounting for the monetary debasement. read more…

Thoughts on Brazil’s latest FX intervention

Hint: it won’t work. Brazil’s foreign exchange intervention has unintended consequences and will not achieve the intended aim, halting the rise of the real. read more…

Yip, we run the biggest ponzi in the history of the world says Obama aide

If we can’t borrow to pay off lenders, well, then we’re broke says Chairman of Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers. read more…

Bank economists still just don't get it

And this chart from shows the “don’t get it” margin is huge and growing. read more…

Lessons of the Great German and American Inflations

Jens O. Parsson’s insights are worth remembering as the Fed fires up the printing presses again. read more…

QE2 = buy gold now

Just because it says MADE IN AMERICA with a big AAA stamp on it, doesn’t mean its not rotten to the core. read more…