The rate of interest is more complex than that…

Is controlling the interest rate not the same as price fixing? read more…

The Illusions of Modern Economic Theory

Why monetary ’stimulus’ has a real cost. read more…

Gold will outlive the dollar

John Hathaway explains why. read more…

SARB is acting unconstitutionally

Not to mention failing in its ‘commitment’ to South Africans. read more…

Money printing sends all correlations to 1

The rise and rise of correlations across asset classes which is leaving economists and investors baffled is down to one simple reason, and one reason only: excessive money printing. read more…

Exchange controls are an apartheid relic and should be abolished

Damn straight Jasson. read more…

A lesson in MOPE

MOPE is so bad right now it’s not really worth listening to central bankers at all… unless you want a good chuckle. read more…

Rand still has significant strengthening potential

Thoughts on how much the Rand will strengthen in years ahead. read more…

Hyper-inflation and deflation are two sides of the same coin

The risk of eventual hyper-inflation is proportional to the current risk of deflation. Both are substantial. read more…

The Folly of Central Banks

How has a fraudulent institution duped the world for nearly 100 years? read more…

In the news today: Reserve Bank of Zim will lay off nearly all its staff

Something the rest of the Western world will be forced to do in the coming decade. read more…

We did mention inflation would fall...

As the white shoe boy bank economists get it all wrong on inflation, the rand and interest rates (again), we refresh readers memories of some of HA’s calls made last year. Does this dispel the fallacy of what inflation really is? You make the call. read more…