Three More Attacks on Civilization

The destruction wrought by hyper-do-gooders and their government accomplices. read more…

When compound certainty leads to sheer folly

The market place for scientific ideas exacts high standards, which is why some scientists prefer to hide under the wing of the state. read more…

How to save the Black Rhino

Why the principals of private property and freedom also work for conservation. read more…

Food or Forests?

More lunacy from government as New Zealand taxpayers now subsidise forestry and pay for higher mutton prices. read more…

Glorifying the guys that get it WRONG!

This week has turned into Ivo Vegter Week. It may or may not be an annual recurrence so enjoy it while it lasts. Click here for his latest must read article over at The Daily Maverick and some of our thoughts on the matter liberally splashed in. read more…

Smashing the 'too many babies' myth

Like so many myths, the myth that we’re running out of resources keeps recurring over and over. I guess we just have to keep smashing it. read more…