This post is even more relevant today than it was when we wrote it a year ago… read more…
This post is even more relevant today than it was when we wrote it a year ago… read more… Found this in the archives and thought it worth a re-post. read more… Why the battle over services is the wrong battle to be fighting. read more… The housing market could be one of the largest Ponzi schemes in history. House prices have been systemically propped up by a glut of thieved capital, but that capital is starting to run dry, and as it does, so house prices will falter. read more… Last year all the know-nothing ’stakeholders’ from unions to business to opposition parties criticised the 2010/11 SA budget as either pro-business or pro-labour or pro-whatever. Actually, it was pro no-one. read more… IMF insania, bulging bureaucracy, punkd by George Soros, and more. read more… Drama Queens in Davos, lessons in humility, bullish on turmoil, the FIFA bubble and more were all making waves in this pond this time last year. read more… US monetary maddness, bond market risks, FIFA World Cup delusion, more Hollywood economic illiteracy, climate blinkers, and Obama leaves his mark forever on healthcare. This time last year was not short of entertainment. read more… A year ago gold was a bubble according to those in the know. Thankfully the laymen ignored the ‘experts’ and stuck to their convictions, because a year on it’s 21% higher and looking quite comfortable… and the experts are still advising us to sell it. read more… How to predict a currency, The Ben Bernank gets it from both sides, just buy gold already will ya?, climate confusion and more… read more… Warmergate, the 2000-page healthcare bill, Malikane’s madness, and more… read more… Free market rugby, the same old SARB fraud in a different skin, big banks get nervous, and other miscellany. read more… |
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