Read Business Day for after-the-fact misdiagnosis

It’s time you learnt your ABCTs. read more…

Capital Accumulation Benefits All of the People

Capitalism, in its true sense, creates social harmony, not class division. read more…

Mises for Marketing

Fascinating Austrian insights into the world of marketing. read more…

US payrolls number even worse than you thought

US now relying on McJobs. read more…

This is so ominous for UK property

Britons want to rent. read more…

Allow the Entrepreneurs to Grow the Economy

The underappreciated entrepreneurial class. read more…

SA inflation forecasters are missing something

The point that prices can’t rise in a vacuum. Consumers must be able and willing to pay higher prices for goods and services other than food and fuel when food and fuel prices are rising as fast as they are. The net effect of rising food and fuel prices are recessionary, not inflationary! It means you shouldn’t hold your breath for an interest rate increase from the Reserve Bank just yet, and that they may even be forced to cut once more. read more…

Water price to almost double? You bet

That’s very optimistic, we’re looking at price increases in the region of 1500% just to get to prices equivalent to those in other economies. read more…

Time for a change of thinking

Let’s stop making excuses for the poor…anyone can become a capitalist. read more…

Welcome inflation. Thanks be to you, central banks

Inflation is baked into the production structure cake, and the consumer price index will reflect this – in time. read more…

Killing the saving goose that lays the golden consumption egg

If a stranded Crusoe on an island understands what the act of real saving entails, why can’t Nobel laureates? read more…

Construction braces for frigid decade

The credit-induced boom must inevitably be followed by the bust. The bust is the healthy part of the cycle, laying the foundation for the next phase of real growth. read more…