Re-post: Wimpyflation

Found this in the archives and thought it worth a re-post. read more…


The race to the babwe! read more…

Response to The Observenator

Some things need to be straightened out here. read more…

Global monetary system requires the simplicity of gold

And not the mandarins at the Fed, explains Jim Grant. read more…

SARB is acting unconstitutionally

Not to mention failing in its ‘commitment’ to South Africans. read more…

Good money will eventually drive out bad

The 500-year old Gresham’s law will resurface with a force we have never seen before. read more…

Currency war talk is so last year

With the talking heads and politicians only recently catching on what’s going in the global currency markets, gold remains the safest place to store your life savings. read more…

In the markets today: local currency strategist catches a glimpse of why gold glimmers

Slowly but surely, local currency strategists realise gold is the soundest currency of them all. read more…

We Don’t Have Honest Money

Because it doesn’t enrich the government and banking elite. Article by Greg Hunter. read more…

We did mention inflation would fall...

As the white shoe boy bank economists get it all wrong on inflation, the rand and interest rates (again), we refresh readers memories of some of HA’s calls made last year. Does this dispel the fallacy of what inflation really is? You make the call. read more…

FT hijacks HA’s QE2

Has the FT been reading HA? You heard the title “QE2” – money printing round 2 by the Fed, ECB and BoE – 6 months ago right here on HA. read more…

Central banks are bailing out the world

This is how central banks bail out the world. read more…