Understanding the Zim hyperinflation

The sudden and abrupt end of hyperinflation in Zim is an example from the real world which shows that money printing is inflation, nothing else. The fact that the public still has blinkers on while major central banks of the world today are printing money Zim-style is scary stuff indeed. read more…

Will the real safe haven please stand up

Global financial assets = $114 trillion. Global gold assets = $400 billion. How will the scale rebalance when government debt implodes? read more…

As the Sun revolves around the earth, so does Gold fluctuate around paper money

Henry Thornton on the Nature and Effects of the Paper Credit in Great Britain, published 1807. read more…

The relevance and importance of Gold in the World Monetary System

Gold cannot be destabilised by man, but it will adjust in price to reflect disorder in man-made money. read more…

Counterfeit warning

Warning to all economic citizens of South Africa: the counterfeiters are not who you think they are. read more…

Sensible voices emerging on the rand

Keep em’ coming. read more…

Its the end of the paper world as we know it

Make sure you’re feeling fine. read more…

Gold Loves...

…an economic mess. read more…

How government eats your lunch and leaves you with the bill

The title says it all. A follow-up on the effects of read more…

The economy becomes the free lunch

Nothing is exchanged for something. Productivity is exchanged for bureacracy. A several part series to explain our fraudulent paper money system. read more…

Gold in Great Depressions: Then and Now

Reading Herbert Hoover’s memoirs of the Great Depression will give you some valuable insight into why gold is heading higher in today’s Depression 2.0, despite numerous analysts still calling gold as being in a bubble. read more…

A bet on Gold is a bet on Freedom

The most successful and efficient societies always, without fail, settled on gold and silver as money. This was not done by some regulatory decree, but was arrived at through hundreds of years of monetary trial and error by the market. read more…