The shaky foundations of paper currency. read more…
The shaky foundations of paper currency. read more… Where do you stand? read more… I know we’ve been blowing gold’s trumpet hard in recent times, but this article over at FOFOA is really well worth a read. read more… Politicians are pushing ahead with their plans to centralise control of carbon emissions through a global authority, the UN’s IPCC. In the spirit of staying ahead of the curve, we want to throw a few thoughts about these developments out there. read more… This is a short follow up on the post entitled “A better measure of CPI inflation” which I put out the other day. While this is by no means ground breaking if you understand the Austrian school of economics, if you’re not familiar, get a load of this: read more… I came across this strong argument today, which could explain why Ron Paul’s audit the fed bill has created a major stir and resistance from the Federal Reserve elite. If this logic is confirmed by fact, the US dollar isn’t backed by any physical metal, and is nearly 100% paper money, or money substitute. read more… When an economic and monetary system is being run on a truly sound and prudent basis, productive, real company performance will obviously outstrip gold in nominal paper money terms. But when governments are confiscating wealth through taxation, monetary inflation and zombie-company bailouts, company performance dives through the floor and gold soars. read more… The almost universal lack of knowledge about gold is clearly a massive indication on just how effective the government propaganda machines have been in the era of worthless, backed-by-nothing paper. But gold is now starting to stand up and speak for itself. Gold prices expressed in paper currency terms will keep rising, occasionally suffering sell-offs, but marching steadily higher nonetheless. To fully understand gold and why it’s price expressed in paper currencies must keep rising, you need to know gold’s three “M’s”: Money, Manipulation, and Misunderstanding. read more… We are indebted to Mr Zwelinzima Vavi of Cosatu for finding the philosophers stone of economics. It’s back to the drawing board for Human Action as we attempt to figure out how we missed something so blatantly obvious. read more… If you were wondering why gold is up near $1,180/oz again this morning, India is said to be wanting the IMF’s remaining 200 tonnes of gold. This opens up the door for a bidding war with China – who’s also publicly wanting to increase their gold read more… This ten minute clip will go a long way in explaining some of the major factors behind the current very bullish posture of gold, as well as provide some clarity on why gold is not in a bubble as many analysts will have you believe. The beauty of it is that Santelli and Gotthelf are uninterrupted by the anchors and discuss freely some very important stuff, which rarely finds quality mainstream media read more… This is a quick analysis of the purchasing power of the Rand today compared with 17 years ago. One Rand today is only worth 10% what is was worth in 1991. We expect the Rand to continue losing purchasing power into the foreseeable future, until it comes to its final state of rest when it’s worth nothing. read more… |
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