Malema is spreading mine-nationalisation-propaganda with a new documentary. read more…
Malema is spreading mine-nationalisation-propaganda with a new documentary. read more… Some predictions are just plain easy when you know who to talk to. read more… Debt is a form of slavery. The US “Bureau of the Public Debt” calls it freedom. read more… Some jokes are serious. read more… MOPE is currently the most effective and dangerous policy tool used by governments and central banks. Don’t be fooled by the fraud. read more… The IPCC embodies a global parasite class that lives off the rich pickings of big global statism. read more… The magnitude of spending on FIFA 2010 World Cup stadiums is pure economic wastage. The football fiesta is probably the most expensive entertainment on the planet. Better enjoy it. read more… Our friends in that great icy expanse north of the Caucuses are certainly faced with a problem. Rampant and fatal alcoholism. Alas, price controls will not fix it. read more… James Cameron’s thinly-veiled ‘real’ message doesn’t fit with a real world. read more… Right now Copenhagen is awash with climate change frenzy. The world’s leaders are coming together to agree on ways to try and change the climate back to it’s unchanging state before it started changing, or something like that. Few realise that, aside from the clearly unsettled science that is man-made warming theory, Copenhagen is as much if not more about economic regulation as it is about climatic regulation. read more… Cartoon for the day. read more… This weekend people in 181 countries rallied to raise awareness about climate change. One such rally took place on Muizenberg beach in Cape Town, South Africa. People were encouraged to be creative and connect the figure 350 to climate change-related events. While in itself a virtuous way to spend your Saturday, the ‘main attraction’ certainly read more… |
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