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Where are you? read more… Capitalism, in its true sense, creates social harmony, not class division. read more… Don’t let narcissistic economists and intellectual orgasm seekers lead you astray. Economics is basic, clean, and straightforward… and always will be. read more… It [materialism] must consider as hopeless any attempts to change the opinions of the “bad” men by discursive reasoning and persuasion. The only means to bring to an end the conflict of antagonistic ideas is to exterminate the “bad” men, i.e., the carriers of ideas that are different from those of the “good” men. Thus, materialism ultimately engenders the same methods of dealing with dissent that tyrants used always and everywhere. read more… On Probability Empiricism and Materialism. read more… “There is always in science some ultimate given. For contemporary physics the behavior of the atoms appears as such an ultimate given. The physicists are today at a loss to reduce certain atomic processes to their causes. One does not detract from the marvelous achievements of physics by establishing the fact that this state of affairs is what is commonly called ignorance.” read more… Without knowing it, empirics really relies on a priori axioms. read more… “They are the necessary mental tool to arrange sense data in a systematic way, to transform them into facts of experience, then these facts into bricks to build theories, and finally the theories into technics to attain ends aimed at.” read more… Our starting point cannot simply be empirical testing, but instead must be basic a priori logical deduction. read more… A primer on the praxeological method in economics. read more… Why building on the correct foundations is so important. read more… Time to uncover an imposter. read more… |
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